Hull Hazardous Waste Collection
We collect all types of waste, including hazardous and dangerous wastes. If you need to dispose of commercial waste, whatever type it may be we are here for you.
In the event you have a need for a dangerous waste disposal services you can rest assured with Hull Waste Management’s long expertise in hazardous waste management. We safely dispose of most common kinds of hazardous waste including dangerous pesticide waste, oil wastes, solvents, paints, aerosol and other fume emitting waste and can safely cope with most pre packed materials. In addition, we provide a packing service where original containers may be damaged.
Liquid waste is removed from your site in drums or tankers appropriate for the volume to be disposed of, from 200 litre drums up to 20,000 litre tanker loads. All storage containers can, obviously, be supplied to your site ahead of time, including appropriate containers for old battery recycling and compound disposals.
Should you’ve got an unknown, possibly dangerous waste product we’ll arrange for its evaluation so the appropriate disposal procedure and safe handling procedures could be ascertained.